Tag: Marketing

Lawn Care Owners: Do You Know Your Target Market?
When you want to sell more work, these are the two most important questions you can ask yourself: "Who is my ideal client?" "Where is my ideal client?" You need to answer these questions before you start marketing your lawn care business. Let's talk about that in this week's Business Advice feature:
7 Ways to Beat Lawn Care Lowballers
There are clippings all over the sidewalk, the lawn stripes are sloppy, and the grass is cut so low that you wonder if it'll ever grow back. Maybe in a few months, if someone takes care of those weeds. Yep, you've seen this shoddy work before. Lowballers. They don't care about getting the job done right. […]
Are You Ready to turn Snow into Money?
Here in Texas, we're hitting 90° or higher every day, which means IT'S FINALLY COOLING DOWN. This also means that it's good idea to start preparing for colder weather. Some places are going to start seeing lots of snow in the coming months (yes, even in parts of Texas). Fortunately, if you start gearing up now, […]
How to "Out-Market" Other Maid Services and Cleaning Companies
There were these two food trucks in my home town, we'll call them Taqueria and Cilantro's. Now, Taqueria and Cilantro's were in competition with each other - they were only a few blocks apart, they both served tacos, and they both inhabited the same niche. Taqueria sold the better tacos - they were a little […]
34 Must-Read Books for Improving Your Business
On Wednesday, we talked about how you should build your knowledge to gain an edge over your competition - and in that post, we promised a list of must-read Business books. The CEO and Co-founder of Service Autopilot, Jonathan Pototschnik, recommends these books (and a few podcasts!) for people who care about growing their business. Each […]
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