Company Culture was Invented by David | The Profit Roadmap

Published on October 30, 2017

David Martinez, import specialist and company culture innovator, jumps into the studio with Cody and Bear, does a couple dozen push-ups and pull-ups then tells us all about the value of company culture and how he's directly contributed to the culture at Service Autopilot.

Company Culture Keeps Your Company Profitable

A company where no one likes coming to work is a company with a foot in the grave. Culture makes its way from the top down. As the owner, you set the tone for "who" your company is. Make it a company where you would want to work. Hire people you want to work with, not the cheapest labor available.

Earlier this year, we told you healthy company culture attracts higher quality employees and keeps them around longer. It's absolutely true. David jumps off the point and proves, with his own actions at SA, that a good, healthy employee expands company culture.

When you, as the owner, create an amazing workplace it will be perpetuated by go-getter employees like David. Listen to them. Organize events with them. Encouraging an employee to take ownership of a part of the culture can only increase their investment in your company. David is plugged in at Service Autopilot. He's part of the reason Bear and I (Cody) LOVE working here.

Why worry about physical fitness when you've got a physically demanding job?

Working hard all day doesn't excuse you from taking care of yourself. David recommended stretching and staying adequately hydrated for people out in the field. You've got to be eating stuff that isn't empty calories (I'm looking at you, Zebra Cake lovers). Sunflower seeds, almonds, and peanuts are all way healthier options than most of what 7-11 has to offer.

The site David recommended for getting into shape was BodyBuilding. He said it's an excellent resource for getting in shape in general, not just people who want to turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Five Stars, Anyone Got Five Stars?

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As always, thanks for listening and we'll see you next week.

"Summon the Rawk" by Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


Cody is a copywriter with Service Autopilot. He was writing before he could read, dictating stories to his mom. Of late, he distills business principles and practices learned from his ever-increasing trove of books and his year with SA Support into digestible blog posts designed to provide maximum value to service industry business owners.


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