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Top 7 Things Your Lawn Care Website Needs

Transform your lawn care website into a profit-generating sales machine with these key strategies to attract leads and maximize conversions.

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Buying a Lawn Care Business: 10 Steps to Green Entrepreneurship

This guide will walk you through the key aspects of buying a lawn care business to help you make an informed decision.

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How to Sell a Lawn Care Business in 11 Steps

This guide will walk you through the key steps to successfully discover how to sell a lawn care business as seamlessly as possible.

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Two Keys to Making Money in Lawn Mowing

Here's a quick quote from Jonathan back when he started the Lawn Care Millionaire: "When I got into the lawn mowing business, I wasn't sure that I liked it. I wasn't seeing the money - we weren't making nearly enough. I just didn't think it was going to be that great a business. But I kept running […]

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Is Drive Time Killing Your Profits? (Drive Time Tracking on Your Apple or Android Device)

"We had to mow 20+ lawns that day - that might not seem like so much to the bigger businesses, but for us, this was huge. This was our big day. And those weren't small properties, those were some big, residential lawns. So we worked our asses off, all day. We drove all over town, and I think […]

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4 Actions for Building the Best Team in the Field Service Industry

In the lawn and landscaping industry, finding employees is hard enough. But finding the best employees is even harder.

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Run Your Lawn Care Business like a Football Team?

When you hear the word WIN, what pops into your head? *Having a better team* - *Scoring more points * - *That glorious moment of victory* Now think of WIN in the context to the Field Service Industry - how do YOU win in the field industry?

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How Can You Improve Your Return on Investment? | Lawn Care and Landscaping

Return on investment is probably the #1 most overlooked number in the lawn care industry. Essentially, it means this: You put money into a strategy (for example, a marketing campaign) The strategy yields you more money - either from increased sales, or new clients. Why should you care about it? Pay Attention to Your Return […]

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34 Must-Read Books for Improving Your Business

On Wednesday, we talked about how you should build your knowledge to gain an edge over your competition - and in that post, we promised a list of must-read Business books. The CEO and Co-founder of Service Autopilot, Jonathan Pototschnik, recommends these books (and a few podcasts!) for people who care about growing their business. Each […]

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