Getting Rich Mowing Lawns: $0 to $100,000

Published on July 30, 2020

Despite what some may think, you can get rich MOWING LAWNS… if you know the right steps to take.

One of the biggest hurdles among new lawn care owners is getting from $0 to $100,000 in annual revenue ASAP.

While this type of revenue doesn’t happen overnight, it’s still possible to reach this goal within a year to three years of starting your business.

When you use the best business practices, marketing strategies, and tools from the very start, you’re already WAY ahead of most other successful lawn care owners when they first started.

This article shows you how to get your business from $0 to $100,000 using:

  • Profitable marketing habits
  • Streamlined operational strategies
  • The best-held secrets of successful lawn care businesses

Use this article to set your business up for success to reach $100,000 in annual revenue in NO TIME!

Let’s get started:

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Maximize Your Profits With Proper Pricing for Lawn Care Services

One of the best ways to grow your business is by properly pricing your lawn care services for the most profit.

A dollar here and there may seem like no big deal, but when you scale, it becomes hundreds of thousands of dollars. As a result, if you’re pricing isn’t right, then you’re setting your lawn care business up for failure.

Though, setting your prices right is challenging because there is no “one size fits all” price. This is why pricing is one of the biggest problems that cause many lawn care businesses to fail.

That said, when your prices are right, you can supercharge the success of your business virtually overnight.

As you begin to calculate your prices, remember to consider things like:

  • Drivetime
  • Time on job
  • Local market
  • Operational costs
  • Distance from other jobs

The list doesn’t end here, but it’s a great start at determining your prices.

As you decide on where to set your prices, always remember to charge for ALL of your costs.

Fix Your Pricing in Under 10 Minutes

This audit will help you find your pricing averages. 
Identify which jobs are profitable – and which ones aren’t. 
Determine how high your prices should be to guarantee you make the profit you deserve.

Use 9-Arounds to Optimize and Condense Your Lawn Care Routes

Once you have your prices right, it’s time to start optimizing and condensing your routes.

Single-handedly, one of the best ways to make the most money in the lawn care business is by keeping your jobs as close together as possible. This is where the idea of using 9-arounds to win entire neighborhoods comes into play.

Ideally, you and your team should be able to walk from one house to the next to finish your jobs. As a result, you’re saving on drivetime and gas (which maximizes your profits from each job).

As your business begins to grow, you’ll likely notice how increasingly difficult it is to optimize your route for the best efficiency. This is where having a software that can optimize and condense your routes for you comes in handy.

Use software like Service Autopilot to make sure you’re making the most out of your routes every day. And while you’re at it, you’ll save hours of time too.

Get Your Lawn Care Clients to Pay You On Time, Every Time

No matter what size of lawn care business you own, one of the biggest profit sucks is when your clients aren’t paying you on time.

Think about how many hours you waste following up with late-paying clients. In some cases, you might follow up MULTIPLE times for numerous clients… And sometimes, they never pay you.

Every time your clients pay late, you’re leaving profits on the table. You’re also wasting more money than the client is worth by trying to get them to pay.

This is why ALL of your clients should be paying you by credit card. No exceptions.

These days, EVERYONE is using credit cards to pay for their services… So why shouldn’t you require the same as everyone else?

Many lawn care owners are afraid of forcing their clients to pay by credit card because they’re afraid of losing them. Though in all honesty, if they’re truly an ideal client worth your time, they’ll be willing to pay by credit card.

Did you know that 70% of consumers prefer to pay by credit card than cash? This means most of your clients would actually prefer you charge them by credit card. 

… And if they don’t want to? Fire them. You don’t need clients that aren’t willing to pay by credit card.

Additionally, if you choose a credit card processor like SA Payments, you can choose from benefits like:

  • Same-day payments
  • Automatically updated credit card information
  • Automatic credit card processing BEFORE a job is completed

And more!

With SA Payments, you’ll get a credit processing system that’s fully integrated with our software so you can effortlessly keep track of your payments.

Start using credit card processing so you can get back to growing your lawn care business.

FIRE Your Least Profitable Lawn Care Clients

Firing clients is a strange concept, but it’s one that you have to consider when you’re making minimum to no profit on a job(s).

When you waste time on a minimally profitable client, you’re wasting your time and money that could be better spent on another more profitable client.

After you’re done evaluating your least profitable clients, you have two options:

  1. Raise their price
  2. Fire them

Typically, I consider this a two-step process (although there are obvious exceptions to this rule).

First, you should evaluate other profitable jobs that are similar to the client that isn’t profitable. Then, you can raise their price to a more profitable one that’s comparable to your other lawn care jobs.

If your client doesn’t like their new price, then fire them! There’s no sense in keeping a client that doesn't make you as much profit as you could be making with a new, better client.

Alternatively, you can consider how much of a PITA this non-profitable client is on a constant basis.

PITA clients are sometimes more trouble than they’re worth because you’re constantly having to spend extra time at their property to please them (if that’s even possible).

If a client is a true PITA, you can raise their price to a point where you wouldn’t mind tolerating them anymore… or you can fire them.

Either way, the goal is simple: Make all of your clients equally profitable and get rid of the ones that aren’t.

Pau Lawn Care Employees

Track Your Lawn Care Employees to Properly Pay Them

You have to track your lawn care employees’ time and location to ensure two things:

  1. You’re properly paying them
  2. They’re working as efficiently as possible

In the beginning, when you only have one or two employees, you might be able to get away with Excel spreadsheets. However, your business will grow much faster tracking them via software because of the time and money you’ll save.

With a time tracking software, there’s no haggling over whether or not an employee is where they say they’re at - you’ll already know with 100% certainty and proof, so you can reprimand or fire them.

In order to properly track their time and location, you’ll have to start using a software with GPS and time tracking capabilities.

Plus, think of how many countless hours you’ve wasted having to manually input your team’s time clocks. Not to mention, you have to take their word at face value, so it might not even be true or accurate.

With an all-in-one software solution like Service Autopilot, all of this will be automatically tracked and documented for you. You’ll also gain access to their time footprints throughout the day.

Using the information Service Autopilot tracks for you, you can also determine which jobs are most and least profitable. This way, you can raise your prices and fire clients accordingly.

Lawn Care Marketing

Start Utilizing Simple Marketing Strategies With BIG Returns

Did you know it takes about 6 to 8 touches to generate a viable sales lead?

Without marketing, that’s a lot of times you’d have to interact with someone before they’d even consider buying into your lawn care services.

This is why marketing your lawn care business is one of the best ways to get rich mowing lawns.

Many new lawn care owners are intimidated by marketing because they think they have to hire a professional - and that’s simply not true.

While hiring a marketing professional is helpful, it’s not something you should consider while you’re still under $100,000 in annual revenue.

These are a few easy, budget-friendly ways you can market your lawn care business:

Email Marketing for a Lawn Care Business

Whether you’re new to email marketing, or you’ve had some experience in the past, you should be utilizing emails to market your lawn care business.

Emails are great for multiple audiences because you can use them to market to leads or upsell your existing clients.

Email marketing has never been easier. When you use an all-in-one software solution like Service Autopilot, you can use tags to choose which audience you want to send your emails to.

Even better, Service Autopilot tracks your complete email success. So you can see things like bounce rates, click-through rates, and conversions to see which emails are the most successful and why.

The best part?

Email marketing is virtually free - the only thing it costs you is your time.

Use Online Ads to Win New Lawn Care Clients

Online ads are a great way to spread your reach in your local area.

Google ads and social media ads are both awesome ways to touch your audience multiple times.

This means, instead of going to the same house multiple times during 9-arounds, you can touch them multiple times virtually.

Online ads are very affordable, so you can set your daily budget and also have the option to only pay when someone clicks.

The main difference between Google ads and social media ads is that Google ads tend to be a little more effective.

With Google, people are actively using your selected keyword to find a solution to their needs. Whereas, with social media ads, you’re interrupting their social newsfeed.

Either way, both are great methods of marketing your business. If you can afford it, I suggest you utilize both to extend your reach and touch your audience multiple times on different platforms.

Hand Out Lawn Care Business Cards With Referral Offers

Lawn care business cards are one of the best ways to clone your best clients.

The idea here is simple: when you get a great review or compliment from one of your favorite clients, give them your business card!

I recommend you use magnetic business cards, so they can stick it on their fridge and won’t lose it. Additionally, you should include a referral offer to increase incentive.

When you’re first starting out, you want to keep expenses down. And while that’s true, you still have to spend money to make money (within reason).

As long as your offer is reasonable, you’re still going to make money on the offer - even if they only purchase one service.

Your offer can be something as simple as $5 off your existing client’s next service or a $15 gift card for every successful referral they send your way.

This is an excellent way to start consistently winning new clients - without having to do a thing.

getting rich mowing lawns and lawn stripes

Streamline Your Everyday Operations With the Best Lawn Care Software

If you want to quickly grow your business from $0 to $100,000, then you NEED a software that’s going to put your everyday business operations on autopilot.

Imagine a world where all of your daily operations are streamlined:

  • Instant invoicing
  • Automatic routing
  • Employee tracking
  • Same-day payments
  • Marketing made simple
  • Detailed clients accounts
  • Estimates from anywhere

You’ll get all of this - and MORE - with Service Autopilot.

It’s easy to see why thousands of lawn care experts trust Service Autopilot to grow their businesses.

No matter where you’re at in your business, the sooner you implement Service Autopilot into your business, the sooner you can start experiencing WILD growth in your lawn care business.

Getting Rich Mowing Lawns Is Now Easier Than Ever

Despite a common misconception, you can get rich mowing lawns a lot faster than you might think.

When you first start your lawn care business, getting your business from $0 to $100,000 in annual revenue can feel like an impossibly intimidating feat.

However, if you follow the advice in this blog, you can start making the right steps to grow your lawn care business faster than ever.

Alyssa Sanders

Alyssa is the Team Lead of Creative Marketing at Xplor Field Services. Alyssa is an expert in field service industry trends, roadblocks, and solutions. When she’s not writing or creating engaging content, you can find her watching a new sci-fi series or shoving her nose into a good book.


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