3 Sales Triggers that Will Generate More Clients for Your Business

Published on April 3, 2017

You use every marketing trick in the book. But it's not enough...

The "new client hose" is barely dripping.

How do you crack it open?

If you want to flood your business in new clients, you don't need elbow grease...

...what you need is a little bit of Psychology.

These 3 sales triggers are guaranteed to top off your marketing, and drown your business in new clients:

Trigger #1 - Start with an Easy “Yes!”

People who say “Yes” once, will probably say “Yes” again.

Begin your sales conversation with a question that will get a definite yes:

  • “Nice weather this week, huh?”


  • “You asked about our Flower package, right?”

Your goal is to ask something they can quickly say “yes” to. Then, you can ramp it up into more “sales-y” questions like these:

  • “Are you interested in having a greener, healthier lawn?”
  • “Wouldn’t it be great if all of this cleaning work was done for you, when you got home?”
  • “It would be better if a new deck lasted you ten extra years, don’t you agree?”

Sprinkle in these easy ‘yes’ questions. You want to get your client in a positive mindset. When you press for the sale later, the answer “yes” will bet at the front of their mind.

This plays out over your client’s “lifetime cycle.” Your initial sale can be small. Make any sale you can. Get the yes’s started. Upsell the bigger projects over time.

Clients who say "yes" to you all year will be more likely to buy your up sells, and more frequently. Eventually, the hose turns itself on.

People are creatures of habit and routine, tap into that by securing yes’s as early and often as possible.

Trigger #2 - Link Yourself to Something Bigger

Linking is psychological tactic to increase your authority and your appeal.

To link successfully, you want to mentally connect your business to a product or brand that your clients are already familiar with … especially o
ne that they regard as an authority.

For cleaning companies, this can be as simple as talking about the brand of cleaning product you use.

For example, “We use a professional-grade solution on windows and glass coffee tables. Think of it as Super Windex.”

For lawn care and landscape companies, this could be the brand of fertilizer (MiracleGro) or even the kind of mower you use.

Connect yourself with something your clients believe in:

  • Authority - link to brands/products people have actually heard of
  • Quality - link yourself only to brands/products with great reputations
  • Trustworthiness - link to brands/products that are regarded as honest and dependable. You are the company you keep, especially in the eyes of leads.

When you link your company to a known and trusted brand, you reassure your clients that you choose to do business with good people. You don’t skimp, you buy quality.

The lead will connect you in their mind with the good reputation they already know.

If you are fighting against a national brand service company, you might want to use "negative links" - links that shows how you’re better than a name clients are already familiar with.

Trigger #3 - Join the Exclusive Group

We all like to feel special. We all fear being left out. Exclusivity uses that desire and fear to press the lead for a “Yes.”

Create a sense of scarcity by emphasizing your limited availability.

For example, “Our crews are only in your area on Thursdays and we only have a few more slots open on that day.”

Scarcity accomplishes two things:

  • Makes the client feel special: only a select number of clients can get your service. People want to get in on a good deal, especially if it’s limited.
  • Makes the client fear missing out: if they don’t act quickly, someone else will benefit from your services.

No one wants to be left out and everyone wants to feel special. This makes it easier for clients to say “Yes” to exclusive sales.

How to Discover Your Own Sales Triggers

The three triggers listed above barely scratch the surface.

Stay on the lookout and you’ll see them all around. The more triggers you identify, the more tools you have in your salesman toolbox.

These questions will help you discover more sales triggers to use in your business:

  • What gets you to act? What gets you to buy?
  • What triggers do companies use against you in everyday sales situations?
  • Has anyone sold you something you didn’t know you wanted until they pitched it to you?

These tools and triggers will drown your business in new leads, and more profitable clients. Once you start using them in your marketing, you’ll see a greater return on investment.

Pull these triggers, and open up your ‘new client’ flood gates!

Related: How to sell more lawn care and landscaping work ... in person


Cody is a copywriter with Service Autopilot. He was writing before he could read, dictating stories to his mom. Of late, he distills business principles and practices learned from his ever-increasing trove of books and his year with SA Support into digestible blog posts designed to provide maximum value to service industry business owners.

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