Get paid faster. Companies that don’t charge credit cards are leaving money on the table. Credit Cards allow you to process charges immediately, instead of floating your bills for 30, 60, or even 90 days.
Clients will spend more with YOU. Studies show that clients will spend up to 83% more when they are allowed to pay by credit card. Credit cards make it so much easier for your clients to say “YES!”
The simplest way to get paid. Credit card processing is built directly into Service Autopilot. Now, you can auto-update credit cards, charge invoices, and run payments all in one software.
Run credit cards immediately after a job is completed. Getting paid faster means more income-building growth for your company.
Studies show customers will spend 83% more if they can use a credit card.
Credit cards minimize the hassle of chasing your payments, and drastically reduce collections.
Save time in the office by automating your invoice and payment processes with Automations.
Run credit cards immediately after a job is completed. Getting paid faster means more income-building growth for your company.
Studies show customers will spend 83% more if they can use a credit card.
Credit cards minimize the hassle of chasing your payments, and drastically reduce collections.
Save time in the office by automating your invoice and payment processes with Automations.
With technology built from the ground up, our payments platform delivers secure, transparent, and simple payment solutions.
With Clearent + Service Autopilot you can:
Integrate payment processing to simplify payment acceptance and reconciliation
Easily invoice customers
Securely accept payments in the field and maintain PCI compliance
Accept all card types, all ways
Clearent is the trusted payments partner for 66,000+ businesses and processes over $31 billion annually.
Questions? Fill out this form, and we’ll get right back to you!
Service Autopilot and Clearent, both part of Xplor Technologies, have come together to offer simple and secure payment solutions. This fully integrated solution allows you to efficiently accept payments and manage your field services business all in one place.