Author: Owen


Cody is a copywriter with Service Autopilot. He was writing before he could read, dictating stories to his mom. Of late, he distills business principles and practices learned from his ever-increasing trove of books and his year with SA Support into digestible blog posts designed to provide maximum value to service industry business owners.

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3 Sales Triggers that Will Generate More Clients for Your Business
You use every marketing trick in the book. But it's not enough... The "new client hose" is barely dripping. How do you crack it open? If you want to flood your business in new clients, you don't need elbow grease... ...what you need is a little bit of Psychology. These 3 sales triggers are guaranteed […]
Is Lawn Care Estimating Software the Best Way to Bid (and Win) Jobs? | Landscape Bidding
Estimates are a constant stream of busy work. At best, you're up to your neck in busy work. At worst, you are ten feet below the surface ... drowning. But what if there was a better way? What if there was a lawn care estimating software that would make your Quoting Process 535% faster ... and better at […]
Is Software Really the Best Way to Schedule Lawn Care?
Your schedule keeps you moving. And when you move, you make money. To keep track of your lawn care schedule, you probably use one of these: your memory sticky notes or a digital calendar or a lawn care and landscape scheduling software suite Maybe you wonder, "Should I get a better scheduling software tool for my […]
Does Estimate Creation Steal a Month of Your Life ... Every Year?
It’s 5:55 PM on a Friday. You’re about to close up the office. Dinner is calling, and so is that oh-so-comfortable couch in your living room. The phone rings. It's a potential client. They apologize for calling so late, but they want to get an estimate. You take 20 minutes to place each service and package […]
Improve Client Relationships with This Simple Email Segment Strategy
The hardest part of email marketing? Don’t make your clients mad. Email is one of the best ways to invoice, upsell, and manage your relationship with clients… ...but chances are some of your clients are sick of seeing you “fill up” their inbox. Let’s take this Valentine’s Day to have a heart to heart on […]
5 Tag Tricks that will Increase Your Client Retention
Tags are one of the most powerful tools in Service Autopilot ...they are also one of the most neglected features. When you tag clients, you can filter them and target them easier for marketing campaigns. You can also use them to remember important information on your clients. Use these quick Tagging tricks in Service Autopilot […]

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