13 Lawn Care Facebook Post Ideas to Grow Your Business

Published on April 8, 2021

By using the best lawn care social media strategies, you can sustainably grow your business by finding and converting new leads while also cultivating relationships with existing clients.

Even though using social media for business use is different from personal use, it’s not as challenging as it might seem.

Much like how you use social media for personal use, business use of social media should be centered around posting about things people care about.

Use this article to find out how to do things like… 

  • Post about what’s relevant to your clients
  • Take advantage of short videos for selling jobs
  • Convince your happiest clients to write reviews
  • Grow your social media presence with hashtags
  • Attract high-quality leads with social media advertisements

By the end of this article, you’ll have all the tools and tips you need to immediately begin taking advantage of everything social media has to offer your lawn care business.

1. Set Lawn Care Social Media Goals

When you put the right goals in place, you’re laying down the building blocks for growing your social media presence.

Social media goals are a great way to track your progress and help you to stay on track and focus on the right strategies.

It’s a good practice to create a data spreadsheet with these foundational goals in mind:

  1. Weekly goals
  2. Monthly goals
  3. Quarterly goals
  4. Annual goals

Here are some examples of basic goals you can set:

  • New Facebook Likes/Followers
    • Weekly: +10
    • Monthly: +40
    • Quarterly: +120
    • Annually: +480
  • Facebook Clicks (to your lawn care website)
    • Weekly: 15
    • Monthly: 60
    • Quarterly: 180
    • Annually: 720
  • Facebook Interactions
    • Weekly: 5
    • Monthly: 20
    • Quarterly: 60
    • Annually: 240

Even though these goals are a great place to start, be sure to consistently evaluate your lawn care business’ needs to see which additional metrics you need to track.

Additionally, I recommend using a social media scheduling tool, like Hubspot or Hootsuite, so that you can easily schedule your posts and view your data in one place.

2. Track Data to Improve Your Strategies

After you’ve set your goals and chosen a scheduling tool, you should continuously review your data to improve on your social media strategies.

As a good practice, you should get in the habit of analyzing and recording your data every week.

By tracking your data as you go, you’ll be better able to stay on track for reaching (and surpassing!) your goals.

Also, don’t forget to keep track of what your competitors are doing.

By looking at your competitors, you can find out what’s working and not working for them.

If there’s something that’s working really well for your competitor, how can you replicate that for your business and do it even better?

Your top competitors are an excellent way to see what’s resonating with your local target market.

3. Choose the Best Platforms for Your Lawn Care Business

Since there are an overwhelming amount of social media platforms, you need to choose which ones are best for your lawn care business.

As a result, you’ll likely see better results in dedicating time to two or three platforms with relevant posts than spreading yourself thin trying to engage with all of them with half-decent ones.

No matter how many platforms you choose, make sure you have enough time to dedicate to building effective lawn care social media strategies for them.

Whether you choose one or two platforms, take a look at which platforms your competitors are seeing the best results come from.

Pro Tip! If you don’t have enough bandwidth for one or two platforms, consider hiring an executive assistant to manage social media for you until you can afford to hire a full-time social media manager. You can also consider hiring a part-time social media manager or intern.

4. Post About Things Your Clients Care About

When it comes to social media, many lawn care businesses have one of two problems on their pages… 

  1. They sell in EVERY post (forgetting to provide value).
  2. They post content in EVERY post (forgetting to sell).

Social media businesses pages are all about balance. Strive for a healthy mix of value-driven and selling posts. Just remember to keep it relevant to your clients in what they care about.

In addition, developing a cadence for your posts is important.

Generally, you’ll want to post 5-7 times per week on Facebook and no more than once a day on Instagram.

Here are some examples of relevant posts your clients care about:

  • Giveaways
  • Lawn/gardening hacks
  • Your blogs (if applicable)
  • Company volunteer work
  • Deals and exclusive offers
  • Great reviews or testimonials
  • Promote your client referral offer
  • Company news, events, or milestones
  • Before and after pictures of your best work
  • Introduce new lawn care employees as well as anniversaries
  • Anywhere you’re featured (news, websites, awards, and etc… )

When you know what your clients care about, the options of what you can post to engage with your clients are endless.

As always, keep tabs on your competitors to see what’s working well for them. This is a great opportunity to discover new ways to interact with your clients.

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5. Plan for Giveaways and Exclusive Offers

In addition to posting hyper-relevant content for your clients, you should also provide deeper value.

By giving your clients access to giveaways and exclusive offers, you’re giving your clients gifts that make them feel special.

In turn, they’ll be more loyal to your lawn care business and will engage with your more on social media. After all, everyone loves winning free gifts or snagging a great deal!

Your giveaway can be as simple as a $100 Target gift card to the first 10 people to like, comment, and share your Facebook post.

Your exclusive offer can be as simple as 50% off the next lawn care service for the first 10 people who sign up for your newest upsell service.

Also, don’t forget to consistently remind your clients of the true exclusive offer - your client referral offer (which is only available to existing clients).

In order to determine how much budget you have for exclusive offers, check your lawn care prices and profit goals to ensure you’re charging enough to meet your goals (you can easily see this in Service Autopilot).

While exclusive offers and giveaway will create a surge in business and engagement, always be sure to look at the numbers and verify you can handle the short-term profit loss.


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6. Post Pictures of Your Lawn Care Business at Work

When you’re in the service business, clients want to see proof of what you can do.

This means your before and after pictures of your best lawn care work are extremely important to them.

New leads want to see what you can do before they hire you, and existing clients don’t want to pay for an upsell until they see what it looks like.

Additionally, pictures are another great way to connect with your clients on a deeper level.

Consistently post pictures of your lawn care business in action:

  • New employee pictures
  • Employee anniversary with picture
  • Employee of the month with picture
  • Before and after pictures of your best work
  • Company events (christmas parties, company barbecues, etc… )

When you post pictures, your clients feel like they’re getting to know you better, which helps to build their loyalty to your lawn care business.

7. Take Advantage of Social Media Ads AND Organic Posts

The goals you set in the first step will help you to determine how much you need to focus on social media ads versus organic posts.

In general, organic posts are used to nurture relationships with existing clients and spark interest in new leads.

In contrast, social media ads are typically used to find new clients by generating new leads.

Also, based on your needs, ads are a great way to boost your organic posts because they push leads to follow your page.

Plus, creating social media ads is easy when you use our free Facebook Ads Guide for Lawn Care Owners.

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8. Post Short Videos of Your Lawn Care Business

Did you know clients are 35% more likely to purchase your services when they see a video rather than a picture?

Short 1-3 minute videos help to engage with your clients and get them to convert.

You can post your short videos on platforms like:

Take a look at a few engaging videos ideas for your lawn care business:

  • Client testimonials
  • Your company story
  • Quick advertisements
  • An introduction to your company (your mission, what your company is all about)

Use these short videos to introduce yourself and give your clients something to connect with you on a more personal level.

If you’re really interested in creating short videos, take a look at our free Lawn Care Video Marketing Guide.

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9. Post Your Lawn Care Social Media Handles

More than likely, your clients won’t go out of their way to find your social media pages.

In order to get as many clients as possible to follow your page, post your your lawn care social media handles on EVERYTHING:

As a result, your clients will know where to find you on social media to connect with you.

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10. Ask Your Happy Clients to Write You a Review

Despite what you might think, it’s not a good idea to ask everyone to write a review for your lawn care business.

When you ask everyone to write you a review, you’re more likely to get bad reviews than good ones.

In fact, customers are 21% more likely to write a review on a negative experience than a good one.

Plus, 63.6% say they check reviews before they convert.

This is why when you look at reviews they seem so polarized - they’re either really great or really terrible because they’re both equally passionate on opposing sides.

More often than not, you’re happiest clients will write raving reviews and your angriest clients will write bad reviews.

For this reason, you should only ask your happiest clients to write you reviews.

These are a few times when you should ask your happy clients to write a review:

  • Excellent survey
  • Compliment on your services (or about an employee)
  • Happy comment on social media raving about your services

This is a great way of building a solid foundation full of great reviews. Coincidentally, it’s also a good strategy to help bury the bad reviews.

Plus, you can share these reviews on your social media accounts too! Post a screenshot or quote graphic to draw attention to the positive reviews you’re getting.

A Quick Word of Caution: There are lawn care businesses that provide incentives for writing good reviews. However, this is a questionable tactic and can cause legal implications if you don’t do it right. If you offer incentives for reviews, you must offer them for everyone (even the bad reviews) in order to avoid legal implications.

Pro Tip! When you inevitably get a bad review, remember to see the issue from your client’s perspective and do what you can to quickly drive the conversation offline to a private conversation.

To find out more about getting great reviews, check out our free 5-Star Review Guide for Lawn Care Owners.

11. Reply to Your Direct Messages in Less than 24 Hours

In order to show your clients that you’re a professional, reputable business, try to build a habit of responding to direct messages within one business day.

Typically, leads will send direct messages for more information about your services, don’t miss this opportunity to win them as a client!

When you reply, direct them to whatever Call-to-Action you want them to take (i.e. fill out a form for an estimate or call your office).

If you really want to stay on top of these messages, I recommend setting up a chatbot to send auto-responses for you.

For instance, in Facebook you can input your hours of operation and have a chatbot send auto-responses for you.

Take advantage of chatbots to improve your response rate and quickly reply to messages that answer FAQ’s and anything else that you need.

12. Use Hashtags to Build Your Social Media Presence

In order to become more discoverable on social media, you can include commonly used, relevant hashtags in your posts.

These hashtags can be used to make your account more discoverable for leads and allow clients to easily find related posts or campaigns.

Your hashtags don’t have to be complex either, they can be as simple as #dallaslawncarebusiness, #dallaslawncare, or #[yourcity][lawncarebusinessname].

Just remember to keep your hashtags as specific as possible. If you make them too broad, then leads in your area won’t be able to find you.

Look at some of the most-used hashtags in your area, and also look at which hashtags your competitors are using.

13. Keep Up-to-Date on Social Media Trends and Features

In order to fully maximize your growth potential on social media, you’ll need to stay updated on the latest social media trends and features.

If you’re not fully familiar with social media or you want to get better, I recommend signing up for social media newsletters to stay up-to-date.

And don’t forget! Always remember to see what your competitors are doing on social media to help generate ideas for your lawn care social media accounts.

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Grow Your Business NOW Using These Lawn Care Social Media Tips

Once you understand the basics of growing your lawn care business using social media, social media can be a powerful, cost-effective tool for you.

Always remember, as you begin creating social media calendars, remind yourself about what your clients care about to create relevant posts.

Even though hiring a social media manager, photographer, or videographer might be nice, you don’t have to hire one to start taking advantage of social media for your lawn care business.

Start harnessing the power of social media NOW so you can start winning more leads and forming long-lasting relationships with your clients.

Now, you have everything you need to start using effective lawn care social media strategies to quickly grow your lawn care business!

Related: A Quick Guide to Facebook Ads for Lawn Care

Originally published April 8, 2021 11:54 AM

Alyssa Sanders

Alyssa is the Team Lead of Creative Marketing at Xplor Field Services. Alyssa is an expert in field service industry trends, roadblocks, and solutions. When she’s not writing or creating engaging content, you can find her watching a new sci-fi series or shoving her nose into a good book.

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